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Thierry Rayna

Paper Co-Presenter

After a decade spent in the UK, notably at the University of Cambridge, LSE, UCL and Imperial College London, Thierry Rayna joined the MIE department as Professor in September 2017. He is the holder of a PhD in Economics and Habilité à diriger des Recherches (HDR) in Management Sciences, and his research focuses on the impact of digital technologies (3D printing, IoT, Blockchain, AI, etc.) on “Business Models” and corporate strategy. Rayna also holds the “Technology for Change” Chair at the Paris Polytechnic Institute (funded by Accenture) and is co-director of the “Innovation and regulation of digital services” Chair (IRSN, funded by Orange). He is also the Associate Editor of the International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management and a member of the Editorial Board of Innovations (I.REMI) and the Revue d’économie industrielle.