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Hatta Masayuki

Paper Presenter

Masayuki Hatta is a Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Management, Surugadai University in Saitama, Japan. Hatta is also a visiting researcher at the Center for Global Communications (GLOCOM), International University of Japan. He was previously a special researcher at the Institute of Intellectual Property of Japan (2010-2011). Originally trained as an economist/organizational theorist, Hatta writes and speaks extensively on intellectual property issues. He is particularly interested in open source software licensing and has been doing research on techno-privacy issues such as encryption regulation for the past few years. Hatta is a hacker wannabe (an official GNU and Debian developer), an avid supporter of the Free Software cause, and a vocal advocate of hacktivism and the freedom of the Internet in general. He is also a contributor to I2P, Tor, and other privacy enhancing technologies.