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Frank Nagle


Frank Nagle is an assistant professor in the Strategy Unit at Harvard Business School. Professor Nagle studies how competitors can collaborate on the creation of core technologies, while still competing on the products and services built on top of them. His research falls into the broader categories of the future of work, the economics of IT, and digital transformation and considers how technology is weakening firm boundaries. His work frequently explores the domains of crowdsourcing, free digital goods, cybersecurity, and generating strategic predictions from unstructured big data. His work utilizes large datasets derived from online social networks, open source software repositories, financial market information, and surveys of enterprise IT usage. Professor Nagle’s work has been published or is forthcoming in the academic journals Management Science, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Research Policy, and Strategic Management Review as well as in the practitioner-oriented publications Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, and Brookings Institution TechStream. He has won awards and grants from AOM, NBER, SMS, INFORMS, EURAM, the Sloan Foundation, and the Linux Foundation. He is the co-director of the HBS/Linux Foundation Core Infrastructure Initiative. At HBS, he is a faculty affiliate of the Digital Initiative, the Managing the Future of Work Project, and the Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard (LISH).